Merchant Manual
This guide is intended for employees of companies which sell goods and (or) services, or perform certain work and plan to receive or make payments by bank cards or other payment methods to their Customers (referred to as Payers or Receivers). Such companies hereinafter are referred to as Merchants (or Connecting Party which represents Merchants). The documentation describes how Merchants can use the functionality of the Gumballpay software and hardware complex, as well as tracking financial flows through the Gumballpay payment business management system. Each Merchant receives a created Merchant account in Gumballpay Payment Gateway for API and UI access.
Payment facilitators which represent Merchants can receive Merchant account for represented Merchant, or Reseller account connected to Merchant accounts of each represented Merchant. Discuss the most suitable Payment Gateway accounts model with Gumballpay support manager. Reseller accounts have similar view access rights in Payment Gateway as Merchants, with the following differences:
They can browse multiple linked Merchants,
They can manage Reseller rate plans,
They cannot process any transactions,
They cannot manage Black, White and Loyalty lists,
They cannot create new entities and notifications.
The guide is arranged according to the structure of the Payment Gateway user interface and contains detailed information about each commonly used function.
Quick links
Most used functionality is gathered for a quick reference:
See all terms definitions in Glossary,
Discover login and user profile options on General Account Information page,
Speed up the integration to Payment Gateway with full request and response logs in Integration panel,
Create and manage dedicated accounts for each member of the team on Employees screen,
Sort and find transactions on Order search screen, see complete information about each transaction on Order details screen,
Mitigate risks with Black, White and Loyalty list management,
Get advanced analytics with Dashboard and KPIs or download detailed reports with required data in one click using templates,
Gather data to external systems for further analysis or alerts with additional callbacks for every transaction,
Resolve ongoing payment issues with Online monitor and Transaction marker notifications,
Resend multiple callbacks in case of temporary handling issues of transaction results on Merchant server,
Learn more about supported transaction types and statuses.
Additional features might become available by request:
Initiate transactions on UI using Virtual terminal,
Capture and Cancel preauthorized transactions and make Refunds on authorized ones,
Get up-to-date information about current balances and expected payout,
Follow-up on customers with E-mail or SMS messages after transactions sent from Merchant message server.