5.1. FAQ
Gather useful information
Please indicate whether sandbox or production environments were used.
Please indicate whether or not the functionality worked at one time or not. If so, please indicate since when it stopped working.
Please add relevant log information ( orderid, serial-number, client_orderid, ENDPOINTID, ENDPOINTGROUPID) when any is available.
Frequently asked questions during the integration
What does INVALID_CONTROL_CODE error mean?
Wrong credentials. Check credentials received from Payment Gateway manager.
API calls to sandbox had production environment URL or vise versa.
Production credentials (ENDPOINTID, ENDPOINTGROUPID, control key, etc) were used on sandbox or vise versa.
Parameters for signature calculation are in incorrect order.
The amount of the transaction is not converted to minimal decimal units.
Choose the correct URL from the combobox with API calls selection, if present.
After pressing the Sign button, please check signature value for the String to sign whether the same string is being signed or not.
If the signing string looks correct, signature value must be the same as in Signature field.
Login to UI and find the particular API requests and responses on the Integration panel screen in Tools section.
What is the difference between ENDPOINTID or ENDPOINTGROUPID?
ENDPOINTID supports only one currency.
ENDPOINTGROUPID can support as many currencies as needed. Full list of currencies should be sent to Payment Gateway manager for project configuration.
Is it possible to use Synchronous API?
How to implement 3-D Secure (Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode) on Native mobile app?
Payers are identified and there is a low fraud probability, it this case Connecting Party can ask Payment Gateway manager to open non3D account.
Connecting Party have PCI DSS certificate and can gather cardholder data on their side, in this case Connecting Party can ask Payment Gateway manager to open account with Direct API support to avoid unnecessary redirects.
What is client_orderid?
How to get an approved transaction on sandbox environment?
Why response is formatted with (0xA)?
Is it possible to use redirect_url to get transaction status for backoffice?
Is it possible to use GET instead of POST to submit data to Gumballpay gateway?
80, 8080 for HTTP
443, 8443 for HTTPS